We invite you to link your sparkling participation and publication to one or more of the various stages of cancer.

Find YOUR reason to Shine Bright for Leucan and share it on social media:

  • For children who play in the hospital’s playroom instead of the playground;
  • For children who will not be able to experience the excitement of the new school year with their friends;
  • For children who have to go back to school without hair, with a different appearance;
  • For children who lose their hair due to treatment;
  • For children who see their body change because of treatments;
  • For siblings who lose their playmate;
  • For the brothers and sisters who feel helpless in the face of illness;
  • For the brothers and sisters who don’t understand everything, but are worried;
  • For the children who have become adults who experience anxiety about their experiences;
  • For the children who have become adults and whose cancer has left visible and invisible sequelae;
  • For children who relapse;
  • For children who become angels too soon;
  • For families grieving for their child;
  • For children who must receive hundreds of injections to heal;
  • For parents who have to qui their jobs to stay at their child’s bedside;
  • For parents who are struggling to make ends meet because of illness-related costs;
  • For families for whom the only way to survive is to go one second at a time;
  • For families who need to isolate themselves from loved ones to preserve their child’s fragile immune system;
  • For families who feel like no one can understand their pain;
  • For children ringing the end-of-treatment bell;
  • For families who can finally go home together from the hospital;
  • For families returning to their family routine;
  • For children who return to school and are greeted with a wave of love and support;
  • For all children in remission;
  • For the moments of joy and hope when good news is announced;
  • For moments of understanding and connection between families who share the same reality;
  • For children whose resilience knows no bounds;
  • For children who continue to smile in their hospital room.
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