While the survival rate of cancer-stricken children is improving gradually, 70% of children who recover will develop disabling after-effects from cancer or treatments. For 50% of them, these sequelae will be severe. 

To ensure follow-up care to its surviving members and support them through this next stage of their lives, Leucan implemented a series of initiatives and adapted services. 

Financial Assistance Program for Post‐treatment Sequelae 

This annual assistance program provides financial assistance to young people who were diagnosed with childhood cancer and are now suffering post-treatment sequelae. 

Oral and Dental Services in Pediatric Oncology Program 

The Oral and Dental Services in Pediatric Oncology Program (the Program) falls under the responsibility of the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services (Quebec Cancer Program) and is managed in partnership with CHU Sainte-Justine. The Program is available to individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer before the age of 18. It provides eligible individuals free access to oral and dental care not normally covered by the RAMQ (Quebec’s public health care system). 

Jocelyn-Demers Award

A total of $6,000 in scholarships is awarded annually to four young Leucan members selected by jury. 

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