May 1 to 31, 2024 – Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean 

Youth Race (1 to 10 km)

15 years of running for the cause 

Founded by avid runner Dave McMullen with the support of Richard Courchesne, the Ultramarathon, now strongly associated with the region, will be enthusiastically celebrating its 15th year.  Over the years, the dedicated members of the organizing committee (including Dave McMullen, Dave Bard, Pascal Morin, Guillaume Charest and Donald Dubois) have moved the project forward, never letting up in their commitment to the success and development of this outstanding sporting event.

Participants raise funds from the time they register up to race day.

Intended exclusively for primary and secondary school students, this race is aimed at getting youth involved. Walk or run 5, 10 or 15 km on your own or as part of a team, with support from the Leucan team and the schools. 

Register your school or class today to mobilize your students around the cause. This inspiring end-of-school-year activity is a great way to develop students’ civic engagement and encourage an active lifestyle.

  • Race date: Between May 1 and 31, 2024 (your choice)
  • Location: Route of your choice
  • Distance: Select 5, 10 or 15 km (solo or in a team)
  • Minimum donation collection per person: $5

How does it work?

When you register, you’ll receive a link to a personalized donation platform where you can enter your chosen distance and the details of your race. From here you can also collect donations, track your fundraiser thermometer and send tax receipts in real time to your donors. The platform is very user-friendly. Simply share the personalized link with family, friends and on social media to seek their encouragement in reaching your goal.

In the weeks following your registration, Leucan will send you a link to a support kit. Just like any important event, a certain amount of preparation is needed to ensure everything goes according to plan. Leucan has prepared a guide with useful tips to help you reach your goal.

Become an ambassador or partner

Make a commitment to the cause!

Want to do more than just participate? Become an Ultramarathon ambassador or partner!

Josiane Cloutier will be happy to answer any questions you may have, or give you tips on how to improve your fundraising campaign.

Leucan Donate