Leucan is proud to announce that Mr. Larry Rossy, President of the board of directors of Dollorama Inc. has just joined the 40 Giants for Leucan campaign.
The Foundation of the Rossy Family aims to finance health initiatives supporting cancer-stricken patients and their families and this partnership with the 40 Giants for Leucan campaign felt very natural for Mr. Rossy. “It’s an honour for our Foundation to support Leucan, an inspiring organisation who has a real impact in the lives of cancer-stricken children. I firmly believe that the real giants, are those brave kids and their families fighting this terrible illness and I am proud to stand next to them.” says Mr. Rossy.
On behalf of all cancer-stricken children and their families, Leucan wishes to thank Mr. Rossy for this big gesture of generosity and support.
To mark its 40th anniversary, Leucan is looking for 40 women and men are committing to donating $40,000 or more each to Leucan, and carrying its mission further. Their giant idea: raising $1.6M to improve the lives and treatments of childhood cancer survivors. Mr. Larry Rossy is the 15th Giant to commit to the campaign. Will you stand with the Giants?