Leucan joins with the Canadian Cancer Society, the CQDM, the Cole Foundation and Oncopole, pôle cancer in a partnership to support pediatric cancer research.
The partnership led to the creation of a new four-year grant program with a value of up to $5 million.
Funding research projects in Quebec
This unprecedented partnership shows the group’s commitment to funding research projects in Quebec.
This program will accelerate the development of platforms, tools and treatments to support advances in the continuum of pediatric cancer care: prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
A partnership between major agents of change in cancer research in Quebec
Leucan is proud to be part of the major agents of change in cancer research in Quebec alongside the Canadian Cancer Society, the CQDM, the Cole Foundation and Oncopole, pôle cancer.
The Fondation J. Armand Bombardier, the Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo, the R. Howard Webster Foundation, the Morris and Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation and The Molson Foundation are also part of the group.
Leucan is proud to collaborate with key partners to show that together, it is possible to improve the quality of life of children and families affected by cancer and to highlight the work of Quebec’s most brilliant researchers.
To join forces, make a donation today.