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June 29, 2021

Since the financial needs of families with a child living with cancer are multiple and often continue after the end of treatment, Leucan offers financial assistance dedicated to post-treatment sequelae.

Leucan’s Financial Assistance Program for Post-Treatment Sequelae is intended for the members of the Association diagnosed with pediatric cancer and suffering from physical or psychological sequelae, from the disease or its treatment.

Who can benefit from this program?

Aimed at people who have been diagnosed with pediatric cancer and have completed their treatments, the Financial assistance program dedicated to post-treatment sequelae helps those living with sequelae directly related to the disease or its treatment, whether they are physical, psychological, or learning difficulties.

For physical sequelae or the reimbursement of travel expenses, financial assistance is available as soon as the treatments are completed.

For those living with psychological sequelae and learnings disabilities, a period of two years post-treatment is required before applying to the program.

Please note that it is possible to apply for financial assistance no later than 20 years after the end of the treatment.

Numerous services admissible for a reimbursement

Any eligible treatment or service already paid for or partially reimbursed by another organism, could be reimbursed.

The program includes notably the reimbursement of travel expenses when the care provided for sequelae requires transportation.

The program does not apply to sequelae from a previous condition, which occurred prior to the pediatric cancer diagnosis.

How to apply to this program?

To benefit from the Financial Assistance Program for Post-Treatment Sequelae, you must read the eligibility criteria and ensure your qualification.

Then, submit the required documentation with the completed application form online. If you have any questions, please contact, librarian at the Leucan Information Centre and coordinator for the program.

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