Families with cancer-stricken children have a multitude of financial needs that often persist after treatment. For this reason, Leucan provides financial assistance for post-treatment sequelae.  

The Program

This financial assistance program is offered to those who have been diagnosed with pediatric cancer and who are experiencing physical, psychological or educational adaptation sequelae due to the disease, or its treatment, for up to 20 years after the end of treatment. It is intended to complement government assistance and private insurance coverage.

What are Post-Treatment Sequelae? 

  • Organic lesions, functional disorders, or complications involving the disease, or its treatment;
  • Temporary or permanent;
  • Complications that persist despite the completion of treatment, or the curing of the disease.

Eligibility Requirements

  • The applicant must be a member of Leucan and must have completed treatment after receiving a diagnosis of pediatric cancer;*
  • Applications can be submitted up to 20 years after the end of treatment;
  • The sequelae must be caused by the disease or its treatment. Services involving problems that occurred before the diagnosis of pediatric cancer are not eligible.

*Those facing psychological or educational adaptation problems must have completed their treatment at least six (6) months prior to accessing the program.

*If treatment is ongoing, post-surgical or radiotherapy sequelae may qualify for eligibility.

Examples of eligible sequelae

Physical Sequelae
  • Hearing or vision impairments (including specialized hearing or visual aids, such as ocular prostheses); 
  • Aesthetic needs (including hair prostheses) and specialized surgeries;  
  • Orthopedic disorders (including specialized prosthetics, orthotics, and special equipment);  
  • Chronic pain: Methods to alleviate chronic pain (including physiotherapy, psychotherapy, osteopathy, and lymphatic drainage, etc.);  
  • Physical training follow-up;   
  • Other physical needs. 
Psychological Sequelae
  • Private psychological follow-up: Psychologist, social worker, sexologist, or any member of a relevant professional order, depending on the proposed therapy.  
Educational Adaptation Sequelae
  • Specialized services for academic challenges and learning disabilities (including assessments and follow-ups in neuropsychology, remedial education, speech therapy);  
  • Adaptive devices: Computers, etc. 
Academic or Career Guidance Sequelae 

We provide individualized coaching services led by guidance counsellors in collaboration with the career guidance firm BrissonLegris

The Benefits of Academic and Career Counselling 

  • It helps individuals gain self-awareness and identify their strengths and interests; 
  • It equips individuals with the tools necessary for academic development; 
  • It provides young people with time to consider their options, empowering them to make informed decisions; 
  • It provides every young person the opportunity to discover their potential. 

How to Benefit from This Program

To get started, please complete the application form. Based on your submission, Leucan will notify you of your eligibility for the program and the required documentation.

If you have any question, please contact Patrick Cossette, coordinator of the Financial Assistance Program for Post-Treatment Sequelae and librarian for the Leucan Information Centre.

514 345-2336 / 1 866 590-4847

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