Families with cancer-stricken children have a multitude of financial needs that often persist after treatment. For this reason, Leucan provides financial assistance for post-treatment sequelae.
Examples of eligible sequelae
Physical Sequelae
- Hearing or vision impairments (including specialized hearing or visual aids, such as ocular prostheses);
- Aesthetic needs (including hair prostheses) and specialized surgeries;
- Orthopedic disorders (including specialized prosthetics, orthotics, and special equipment);
- Chronic pain: Methods to alleviate chronic pain (including physiotherapy, psychotherapy, osteopathy, and lymphatic drainage, etc.);
- Physical training follow-up;
- Other physical needs.
Psychological Sequelae
- Private psychological follow-up: Psychologist, social worker, sexologist, or any member of a relevant professional order, depending on the proposed therapy.
Educational Adaptation Sequelae
- Specialized services for academic challenges and learning disabilities (including assessments and follow-ups in neuropsychology, remedial education, speech therapy);
- Adaptive devices: Computers, etc.
Academic or Career Guidance Sequelae
We provide individualized coaching services led by guidance counsellors in collaboration with the career guidance firm BrissonLegris.
The Benefits of Academic and Career Counselling
- It helps individuals gain self-awareness and identify their strengths and interests;
- It equips individuals with the tools necessary for academic development;
- It provides young people with time to consider their options, empowering them to make informed decisions;
- It provides every young person the opportunity to discover their potential.