Employee since June 2014
“As a project manager, my role is to plan benefit events and ensure their smooth running. This includes planning the logistics, consolidating our relationships with our partners, promoting events in the media, and building teams of volunteers. My days are always pretty busy because the success of our events is crucial: a major part of Leucan’s funding comes from donations. I am also in contact with Leucan families who volunteer to act as spokespersons for our events. When I meet with them and see firsthand how strong they are in their hardship, it never fails to motivate me to give the best of myself!”
“UNITED TO SUPPORT Leucan means coming together and combining our strengths so that we can accomplish great things. For 40 years now, thousands of experts in various fields have been gathering under the Leucan umbrella to help cancer-stricken children. They join as one to provide the best support to children and families. We encourage the public to rally around our cause so that we can serve families even better.”